NEW Small Grants Program for 2019


In the second half of 2018, Internews funded eight new projects through small grants. These ranged from the creation of new transports to the development of apps that could support the 2.x specification of pluggable transports, giving them new ways to remain active during times of network interference.

We are now pleased to announce a new small grants pool for 2019. This time, we’ll be prioritizing projects that lead to the development of new transports, particularly those that do not rely on domain fronting. We’re looking for transports that can be deployed before the end of 2019.

Grants can be up to six months in duration, and should aim for a budget of under US$30,000. The form is live now at, and also includes instructions for submitting a form via email / PGP.

The first deadline for submissions is April 30, 2019. After that date, submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis while funds remain.

Good luck, and if you have any questions, contact us here.