Pluggable Transports Monthly Meetings


Internews is excited to announce the new Pluggable Transports Monthly Meetup in partnership with the Internet Freedom community! This meetup is intended to give digital rights defenders the opportunity to meet the host(s) of the new monthly meetup and ask questions.

Pluggable Transports (PT) are developed to help developers keep their users connected when censorship occurs. Anyone using tools to access censored content on their network, such as the Tor browser or VPNs, is probably using PTS in the background. This meetup aims to give users, developers, and PT enthusiasts the opportunity to share their experiences and updates monthly.

The first meetup will take place September 2nd, 2021 at 9 am EST/1 pm UTC. This event will take place on the IFF Square on IFF Mattermost. Please find more details on how to join here.